“Laurie is a true healer in every sense.”
Laurie is a true healer in every sense. The depth of her knowledge and intuition about transforming and healing the human body is unparalleled and in my opinion transcends what is offered by current medical practices. She draws upon her own life experience of self-healing after being told she would never walk again after a serious accident involving her spine. She combines this passion with open curiosity, a generous spirit, and a seemingly innate gift of understanding the intricacies of anatomy structure and function. I learned more about the human body from Laurie than I did in any medical school classroom, and I have recommended her to nearly everyone I have come across who is coping with pain.
— Angela D. Angstmann, MD
San Francisco Department of Public Health
“I had significant improvement in my symptoms.”
Laurie was instrumental in helping me manage my low back pain which developed as a result of a weak core after abdominal surgery. After several weeks of a Pilates-based rehabilitation and strengthening program with Laurie I had significant improvement in my symptoms. She taught me valuable exercises that I still use on my own today. Laurie is both a knowledgeable and intuitive healing professional and I highly recommend her to anyone dealing with musculoskeletal pain.
— Ina Park MD,MS
UCSF School of Medicine
“..Laurie was able to relieve my pain with her hands on body work.”
Laurie is a gifted and knowledgeable practitioner of movement method medicine. She has an intuitive and nuanced understanding of human anatomy that enables her to identify sources of pain and weakness in the body. With her knowledge and skill, she can relieve pain and find strategies to prevent further pain and injury.
I have worked with Laurie for more than 6 years. She has patiently and expertly helped me to develop core strength. She is able to individualize exercises that challenge my body. She has also helped to treat acute problems such as cervical strain; in one session Laurie was able to relieve my pain with her hands on body work. I am so fortunate to have found Laurie and grateful for how she has helped to transform my body. Thank you Laurie!
— Shannon Garrigan, MD
Family Physician
San Francisco
“...with an intuitive and wise touch that quietly began to relieve my acute pain.”
When I first came to see Laurie, I had such awful nerve pain that I was unable to function. No bodyworker or healer could touch me without exacerbating the situation. But Laurie new exactly how to approach my injuries - with an intuitive and wise touch that quietly began to relieve my acute pain. Now, many years later, I still see Laurie for healing touch-ups and cannot recommend her highly enough.
— Sarah Pyle
San Francisco
“Laurie Hall’s Jyme Bodyworks seminars have radically evolved my understanding of the human body...”
I have the unique and fortuitous experience of having, as a client, received a lot of Jyme™ Bodywork from the creator, Laurie Hall as well as being one of her students and apprentices as a massage therapist.
I’ve had a private massage therapy practice in San Francisco, Ca since August 2000. Since I began studying The Jyme Bodyworks method with Laurie Hall, my practice has been thriving as never before. I’m finding that clients return again and again and specifically ask me to add Jyme Bodywork to their sessions. My clients report having great relief from chronic back and neck pain and often say, “Wow, no one has ever done this before, it feels amazing, what IS this?”
Laurie Hall’s Jyme Bodyworks™ seminars have radically evolved my understanding of the human body and the importance of maintaining joint mobility and healthy spinal function. Laurie is a naturally gifted teacher who continually inspires me as a student. I look forward to every training session and always leave them feeling confident that I’ve learned something lasting and important. Laurie has a unique ability to communicate complex yet subtle spacial assessment and listening concepts and techniques as well as complicated anatomical and bio mechanical principals, all without boring you to death! This is no small feat! I’ve taken dozens of bodywork seminars and have never found instruction as clear, coherent and inspiring as I have in the Jyme Classroom.
— Valerie Agnew, MD
Valerie Agnew Massage
San Francisco
“Her work has an instant effect on pain, posture and breathing.”
Laurie Hall's work is quite unique. In fact I don't know of anyone else that does the same kind of bodywork. I had been using Laurie for my own care and also for my client's progress. Her work has an instant effect on pain, posture and breathing.
When she presented a workshop on Pelvic Restoration I jumped at the chance to learn something new. I found her workshop to be incredibly informative and practical. For the first time after a course my brain wasn't fried with too much information.
I was able to take the tools Laurie taught and apply them the next day on my clients, with immediate results. She has the gift to explain a complicated subject in a simple way. Her teaching style is hands-on and inclusive. I can't wait for her next workshop.
— Ronan Lennon
Strength and Conditioning Coach/ Corrective Exercise
A Body of Work, San Francisco